Believe in Yourself
Believe in Yourself
change your self-talk
“Because I believe ambition is not a dirty word. It’s just believing in yourself and your abilities. Imagine this. What would happen if we were all brave enough to believe in your own ability? To be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change.” — Reese Witherspoon.
The world may not be telling our girls they are worthy, that they are beautiful, that they are enough, that they can realize any dream they want to dream but, we can. We can whisper the truth in their ears all day long. Whispearrings were created to uplift us all. To empower our girls and our younger self to be the women we were created to be. To foster self-confidence, self worth and a strong, grounded sense of self even when we are bombarded by cultural and societal messages of not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart of enough.
Now is your chance to change your self-talk
Would you dare say the things you tell yourself to a little 8 year old girl? No way, then why do we do it to ourselves? If we did not get great messages at age 8, or 18 or 48, then why not give it to ourselves now!
Our mission is to help women, young and old remember the truth and connect with the one who knows, their own wise and powerful inner guide by sharing empowering, creative, uplifting messages from thought leaders, friends, family members and messages recorded in their own voices.
It is estimated that the average brain has up to 60,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative. Hearing positive affirmations consistently disrupts that pattern and percentage which ultimately creates more positive thoughts. Positive thoughts create healthier bodies, healthier minds, stronger relationships, better communication, a more peaceful loving home life and ultimately a more peaceful, healthy community. As we, ourselves develop a more positive outlook, a brighter way of being, feelings of self worth and confidence our energy can shift the energy around us, just as the “Butterfly Effect” experiment shows us or like tossing a pebble in a pond, one good thought ripples out from us and grows larger and larger as it spreads across the pond.
Whispearrings deliver good thoughts. Good thoughts grow more good thoughts. Our good thoughts affect our lives and the hearts and minds of those around us.
If you want a good life, think good thoughts about yourself, about your life and about your future. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Tell yourself what you ARE not what you ARE NOT and you will realize your most beautiful destiny. It’s just a whisper away.