How to Change Your Life in 4 Seconds
I am beautiful. I am strong. I radiate confidence. I love and forgive myself. I got this. I love and appreciate the people in my life. I enjoy eating healthy. How would your life change is if you embodied these words? Would you follow your dreams, be more confident, or feel empowered?
You know what inspires the best in you...
...the challenge is to remember it as your day unfolds.
Every morning we wake up with good intentions, important plans, and the desire to have a great day. Unfortunately, those can quickly be forgotten when we meet the first distractions of the day.
“The average person thinks approximately 65,000 thoughts per day and about 95% are exactly the same thoughts that [passed] through the minds of people the day before,” says Deepak Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P. co-founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. No wonder it is hard to change our perceptions, snap out of our habits and work toward something new.
What if we could remember to be inspired, to work toward our goals — all in the midst of our auto-pilot thinking? What if we could coach ourselves, as if we had our own angel sitting on our shoulder or personal cheerleader encouraging and reminding us of how we really wish to think?
Now there is a tool to help called whispearrings. They are earrings with mind-enhancing electronics that whisper 4-10 second audio messages or “whispers”— that will uplift your spirit, keep you motivated and help you remember what’s important by “whispearring” messages to you throughout your day.
Whispearrings are created to help keep you focused on the feelings and actions that move you in the direction you’ve chosen. With whispearrings, you choose to hear and remember the messages that inspire the best in you, that remind you who you are or who you want to become, that keep you on track, nudge you to focus, or remind you to take a break.
They can whisper words such as, “be fully present”, “notice how your body feels”, “look for the good in others”, or simply, “drink water”, “breathe”. They could whisper words of personal affirmation or daily mantras. The messages are endless and they are messages that you create, chosen by you, for you — to become more mindful, to improve your thinking. Just 4 seconds of the right whisper can change the course of your day. Coach yourself everyday and you can change the course of your life…one whisper at a time.
We adorn ourselves with jewelry, why not adorn our minds as well. We all have the power to change our lives because our thoughts are at the core of our power. All we need is a little nudge, a simple reminder — the next best thing to having a shoulder-sitting-angel.
Whispearrings are currently in development. We are asking you to sign-up below so you can be the first to know when they become available! Please pass this along to friends and family who you think will benefit from having words of wisdom whispered to them. Follow us in Facebook and Instagram @whispearrings.