Affirm the Person You Wish to Be
Affirm the Person You Wish to Be
“Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.” — Louise Hay
She was a pioneer of affirmation. She taught the world how to use positive thoughts to heal their bodies, their minds, their spirits and create the life they wanted to live with the kind of relationships, work and health they dreamed of. Louise Hay gave the world the gift of positive self-talk. In her best selling book, You Can Heal Your Life, Louise tells this story about a tomato plant.
A healthy tomato plant can have over 100 tomatoes on it. To get to all those tomatoes, we need to start with a small dried seed. The seed doesn’t look like a tomato plant or taste like a tomato plant. You might not even believe it could even be a tomato plant but you plant the seed in fertile soil, and you water it and let the sun shine on it and it begins to grow. When the first little tiny shoot comes up you don’t stomp on it and say, “That’s not a tomato plant.” Rather you look at it and say “Oh Boy! Here it comes!” and you watch it grow with delight. In time, if you water it, give it lots of sunshine and pull away the weeds, you might have a tomato plant with more than a hundred luscious tomatoes. It all began with one tiny seed. It is the same with creating new experience for yourself. –- Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life.
Oh boy, here it comes!
“when you first see the tiniest little evidence, you don’t stomp on it and say, That’s not enough!” — Louise Hay
The soil you are planting in is deep within your mind. The seeds are the new thoughts or affirmations, which you water and set in the sun with more affirmations and positive thoughts. A new experience of life, of health, of love is in this new tiny seed. The weeds are the negative thoughts and you tend the garden of your mind by getting rids of the weeds. And as Louise said, “when you first see the tiniest little evidence, you don’t stomp on it and say, That’s not enough! Instead you look at this first breakthrough and exclaim with glee, Oh boy, here it comes!” And you watch that new way of being, that new experience, that new feeling in your heart and your body grow and become the desire you started with as a tiny seed.
Whispearrings are the daily water, the sunshine, the weed killer that protects the beautiful, creative garden of your mind, helps it flourish and become the reality you desire. You can nourish your dreams, remind yourself of your unique gifts, your beauty, your truths when the world might be telling you otherwise all throughout the day with whispers just for you. Whispers are available to you any time a weed begins to grow. Affirmations change your thoughts within seconds bringing you back to the present moment and the truth that you are.